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Prevention Really is the best medicine

Wellness care is focused on promoting health and preventing disease allowing our companions to not just survive, but to thrive. It is the foundation of pet health care and allows your pet to live as long and healthy of a life as possible.


Regular exams are an essential part of keeping your pet healthy. We perform a thorough evaluation to look for any changes and to discuss your pet’s health needs.


Our philosophy of care is focused on disease prevention and wellness care. By using tools such as screening blood work, fecal testing, urine testing, and blood pressure assessment we aim to prevent illness or catch it early on. This allows for better treatment options and outcomes keeping our patients happy and healthy for as long as possible.


More than ever we understand the importance of vaccination. Equally important, however, is that vaccination is done thoughtfully, safely, and with the patient’s risks and needs in mind. At East Credit, we explain and empower our clients to make educated decisions about their pet’s health. We use the most current recommendations available to ensure that we keep our patients safe, without over-vaccinating. We have carefully chosen our vaccines to be as safe and effective as possible. Our Rabies vaccines are thimerosal-free, meaning they do not contain mercury. We use only core vaccines that have been proven to be effective and do not add unnecessary extras. For our feline patients, we use “PureVax’ vaccines which are designed to be safer and have fewer reactions.


Fleas, ticks, heartworm, and intestinal parasites are not only an irritation to your pet, but can also transmit disease and impact their health adversely. As some of these parasites can also be transmitted to people, they can also be a health concern to family members. Thankfully with good screening and preventive medication, serious disease can be avoided. We are happy to discuss options and develop a program to best meet your specific needs.


Preventative care becomes more significant for our senior pets.  Finding a balanced wellness plan for our aging patients is aimed to allow them to live long, comfortable and healthy lives. We routinely consult with our clients with senior pets on disease screening, nutrition, exercise, mobility, and behaviour to ensure that our older patients age as gracefully as possible.